Tuesday, November 29, 2011


*He's 11 months now!

*While gone for Thanksgiving, Walker gained two new teeth, for a grand total of 8 teeth now!

*Also while there he started standing on his own, going from on his knees to his two little chubby feet.

*Today he climed up onto a twin bed all by his little self. 

*He loves to babble.

*He really enjoys taking bathes, and watching the tub fill up while standing outside of it.

*For some odd reason, he really likes to have his face lotion, it seems to calm him down while he is upset. He must of got that from Eric, because I know for sure I wouldn't want to be touchet let alone my face.

*He's really started to like stuffed animals, and is super cute to watch him play with them.

I think that is all for now. Good day!


Anonymous said...

aww, he is so growing! i wish yall lived here!

Starks Haven said...

He is adorable. Sorry to tell you Jenny, but you did like to have your face lotioned as a baby. When you got older you didn't. He is growing up way too fast. Give him a hug for me....Love, mama, Nana

sherrie said...

almost one year old! can you believe it was a year ago we had these little munchkins? he is adorable.