Tuesday, April 29, 2014

March doings

This is proof Walker is from another planet. He eats raw broccoli!?!?

Julian's first day for nursery! He was such a champ and loved it.

Humm...Walker being Walker. He's first Sunday to wear a button shirt. It helps that he wants to be like little brother sometimes.

Down at the Rio Grande. It's not so grande but Julian's fall in the mud was. hehe

Sticks and water, what can be better for two little boys.

Julian got 4 stiches, poor baby.

Hiding from me so I can't take their picture.

El Paso Zoo

loving daddy!


Natalie said...

what did juice have stitches for?!

jmw said...

Fantastic pictures! I love to see how Julian's face is "maturing" - he looks so handsome! And the pic of you is stunning!!