Sunday, July 17, 2011


One good things about living here is you are so close to doing things outdoor. In walking distance from out Apartment there are 2 parks and 3 more in this little town. Also a short drive from us is a place called Vedauwoo, located in the Medicine Bow National Forest. Yesterday we had a nice little day trip their.

the traditional finger mustache
And this is how he was on the way home and how we all felt!


Anonymous said...

those are some awesome pictures! :)!

Sheila said...

I love the sleeping pic...super cute!
That place looks pretty. we miss you.
SUUUUUUUPER excited for Snowbird!!

jmw said...

I love the photos & how they are laid out in your post! They look great! I think in the few short weeks you've been there you guys have taken advantage of the things to do in the area more than Christian & I did in 2.5 years. I'm glad! We were so silly not to get out more. The photo of Eric & Walker looks like Eric has a big frizzy rocker ponytail at first glance. hehe. miss you guys!