Walker McKay Capell was born on Christmas Eve 2010 at 4:56 pm at Sutter Memorial Hospital in Sacramento California.
Eric and I went to the hospital on December 23 for a scheduled non stress test since Walker was over due (original due date was December 14th). During the testing the contractions weren't anything major and his heart rate was great, but when we went to check the amniotic fluid the nurse said that we weren't going home that they would start to induce today. We'll that was told to use around 1:30 but the induction didn't start till around 6. Once they started to induce it took a while, and I mean a while for the medicine to kick in but once it did, the ball got rolling. After an hour and half of hard manual labor little Walker was here. Eric and I couldn't be more happy with the way things have turned out and to make this day even better we found out that Eric was accepted to the University of Wyoming for Fall of 2011! YEAH! Merry Christmas to us right?
SO happy we could be there to see you guys that day!! Congratulations a million times over. Hope to see you guys soon!! (Darren says in Wyoming ;) )
im happy for yall! :)! love the pictures! :)! wyoming? its cold there! :)! i love you!
love ya
Congrats!!! I am so excited Walker is finally here and that everyone is healthy and happy. Congrats to Eric too (although that is awfully far away)!!!
wow, great news on all fronts!!!
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