So I went to the DI to drop off a few things, and or course you always have to go in to see if you can score anything good, well I did. This is an old school Betty Crocker recipe file box, it has tons and tons of recipes, so exciting!

I scored some cheap cereal at Safeway, I spent $0.86 on each box. I need to get back into doing coupons, if you aren't doing this you should look into it, I haven't paid for toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and many more things. Once I even got some big things of contact solution for free. You should definitely take a look at using coupons, the site i like is Hip 2 Save.

So I guess you can say that have been doing winter cleaning. I am in the process of cleaning our rooms upstairs, which I might say I have done a very good job. Anyways so I was going through Eric's ties and you will never guess how many ties this boy has....65!!!!! Yes 65 ties. And in 3 years I have not bought him a single tie, I would have to say 99% of them came from his mission.

Amish Friendship bread. YUMMMMM!!! This stuff is so good. I have some starter if any of you would like some!
I DO I DO!! I want some!!! WE haven't made it since I had my gall bladder out--that stuff always made me sick for some reason, but now it's gone- so friendship on!!!!
Cute post, SCORE on the cookbook...and the cereal!! NICE!!! I've been buying TONS of fruit snacks this week at Safeway...all FREE or .50 for FOUR!!! My Frugal Adventures has the match-ups if you're interested.
I LOVE amish friendship bread! but i have a bad habit of not giving away the starter kits so i seriously had like 10 in my freezer! and the tie thing- same thing with brad! i don't know what it is about boys and a mission and ties.
we should hang out sometime!
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