So I went to the DI to drop off a few things, and or course you always have to go in to see if you can score anything good, well I did. This is an old school Betty Crocker recipe file box, it has tons and tons of recipes, so exciting!

I scored some cheap cereal at Safeway, I spent $0.86 on each box. I need to get back into doing coupons, if you aren't doing this you should look into it, I haven't paid for toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and many more things. Once I even got some big things of contact solution for free. You should definitely take a look at using coupons, the site i like is Hip 2 Save.

So I guess you can say that have been doing winter cleaning. I am in the process of cleaning our rooms upstairs, which I might say I have done a very good job. Anyways so I was going through Eric's ties and you will never guess how many ties this boy has....65!!!!! Yes 65 ties. And in 3 years I have not bought him a single tie, I would have to say 99% of them came from his mission.

Amish Friendship bread. YUMMMMM!!! This stuff is so good. I have some starter if any of you would like some!